I arrive at my Doctor’s office 15 minutes ahead of appointment time as requested, because once again I have to fill out paperwork. Nothing has changed as I inform the person behind the sliding glass window, who is handing me the dreaded clipboard that is juggled on my lap (because they don’t give you little desk to sit at comfortably). It is to be returned with the pen that was given to you, like a want a Bic pen with plastic flower attached! Do I tell them that my cousin on my Mother’s side has Shingles and his wife ran away with the delivery man?
Did I bring my prescription bottles to show him just how many I took and how many are left? The Doctor is smart enough to figure this out by looking at my records, he did go to medical school, graduate and get licensed so I assume he can do the calculations ( it’s called how to keep count of your patients prescription usage 101). Also, if I have to wait over 45 minutes to see him (not including the 15 minutes early rule), can I charge him for my time and deduct that from my co-pay?